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Convent Teacher Assaults AYV Reporters


According to investigation, Madam Blake and Pastor Favor had allegedly asked a parent, Theresa Bayoh, to pay the sum of two million, five hundred thousand Leones (Le2,500,000) before her child who passed the BECE would be admitted to the school. Theresa Bayoh added that however, even after she had paid the full amount, her daughter was still not admitted as they had promised and she had cause to seek admission for her elsewhere.

As a result, according to Theresa Bayoh she had been coming to the school to the Vice Principal madam Blake and Pastor Favor for them to refund her money to no avail; a situation which led to the assault on the AYV staff.

Eye witnesses say the attack on the AYV journalist was unprovoked and that Mr. Young also brutally pushed away the AYV cameran Ransford Wright before caning Ransford lobe metzger on his head.

The matter has been reported to the police.

According to Mr. Ransford Lobe Metzger, he was at the St. Joseph’s Secondary School (commonly called Convent) together with his cameran to investigate an alleged case of fraud reported against the Vice Principal of the school and a teacher. He said when he interviewed the complainant Theresa Bayoh, she explained how she paid a total of two million, five hundred thousand Leones to the Vice Principal and Pastor Favor but that they did not keep to their own side of the bargain.

Investigations reveal that the Vice Principal of St. Joseph’s Secondary School in Brookfields, Madam Blake and one teacher Pastor Favor could be in serious corruption scandal according to a parent who wanted her child admitted to the school after passing the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

Theresa Bayoh, speaking to AYV said Pastor Favor had demanded Le2,000,000 initially for admission to help her daughter get enrolled into the school for the 2017-2018 academic year but that Madam Blake told her to pay Le2,500,000.

Bayoh added that she has since been visiting the school for her money to be refunded because after waiting endlessly, she sought admission for her daughter in another school because it was apparent that Madam Blake and Pastor Favor were merely making a fool of her.

She lamented: “I am calling on the government and the Ministry of Education to please help me. This is a case of pure exploitation and I want my money refunded.”

Investigations continue.

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