Friday, March 7, 2025
20 C
Sierra Leone

SLPP, APC, NGC, C4C Smoke Peace Pipe



With the theme, “Politics Unusual- Transforming Political Leadership for a better Sierra Leone,” the acting Registrar, PPRC, Zainab Moseray explained that the two-day program was as a result of post elections violence. She said both inter and intra-party clashes are seriously affecting the growth of parties to contribute positively to national development. After the various presentations by the two facilitators including shared views and responses from participants, some members of the various political parties were selected to form a committee to critically look at all what have been said and done and to come up with recommendations for government’s prompt action. 

Isata Jabbie-Kabbah, the Women’s Leader of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) presented the 9-point recommendations, which was later signed by the leadership of all the political parties. The 9-point recommendations are:

1.                  The full implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report not later than June 2019.

2.                  Government should resume and complete the process of the CRC report within a year.

3.                  A robust National Civic Education program be implemented and reflected in all educational institutions as well as non-formal sector.

4.                  National Anthem, National Pledge be sung and recited in schools and all public gatherings, including the National flag be raised or displayed in all public places.

5.                  A national dialogue and reconciliation forum be organized between the SLPP and the APC not later than January, 2019.

6.                  Government should establish a National Development Planning Commission as contained in the CRC report.

7.                  A team of eminent persons be established to assist in National Peace Building and to intervene in conflict resolution, as and when necessary.

8.                  The minimum 30% quota for Women, 10% for Youth and 10% for the physically challenged in decision-making bodies, should be implemented as a matter of urgency.

9.                  Political Parties Registration Commission (PPRC) to ensure compliance and full implementation of all the above, recommendations.

Representatives of the SLPP noted that they have listened and acquired knowledge, adding that through open and frank discussions, blame games will reduce drastically. 

Lawrence Coker, acting Public Relations Officer, for the C4C party, confessed that the two days was worthwhile and suggested that it should have extended.

National Secretary General of the APC, Osman Yansaneh said: “Government should be able to use its resources to organize such events, especially when it involves internal politics.”

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