She was also ordered to pay a restitution fee in the sum of two hundred and twenty seven million Leone to the court on 1st December 2019.
Before delivering judgment, the presiding judge noted that corruption is one of the national diseases undermining development in the country.
She urged Sierra Leoneans placed in positions of trust and confidence in both private and public institutions to maintain integrity, and contribute in making sure that Sierra Leone is free of corruption.
The convict, Kepiatu Alghali was charged on eight count indictments together with the former Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA), Dr. Sarrah Finda Bendu and the Procument Manager, Victor Labor of the same institution for corruption-related offences.
The first indictee, Dr. Sarah Finda Bendu and second indictee, Victor Labor pleaded not guilty to the eight count indictments, when the charges were read. But the then third indictee, Kepiatu Alghali pleaded guilty on two count indictments and she was tried, convicted and sentenced to three years jail term.
The two indictees are facing multiple indictments ranging from Missappropriation of Public Funds, Failure to Comply with Applicable Procedures and Guidelines to Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section (48) sub Section (2) of the Anti Corruption Act No. 12 of 2008 on diverse dates.
According to the indictments, the indictees are alleged to have misappropriated over two billion Leones by effecting huge payments to Centrum Clearing and Forwarding Agencies for the clearing of tow trucks.
They allegedly paid hundreds of millions of Leones to Kabs Clearing and Forwarding Agency for the clearing of holographic labels, without applying the lay down procurement procedures and guidelines.
Since the two indictees, Dr. Sarrah Finda Bendu and Victor Labor pleaded not guilty on all the eight count indictments, the adjudicating judge, Hon. Justice Cosmorita Jarret later admitted them to bail, after their lawyers had applied for bail.
Both accused persons were granted bail in the sum of seven hundred and fifty million Leones, including two sureties in like sum.
Both sureties should produce their title deeds registered in the book of conveyance, and that the indictees should surrender their traveling documents, and should not travel outside Sierra Leone, until the matter is disposed off, and bail approved by the Acting Master and Registrar.
The State was represented by Zimbabwean born Calvin Mantsebo, the first indictee, Dr. Sarrah Finda Bendu was represented by barrister, H.M. Gavoe and the second indictee, Victor Labor was defended by lawyer, Amadu Koroma.
Hon. Justice Cosmorita Jarret adjourned the matter to Thursday 24 October 2019 for further hearing.