Friday, October 18, 2024
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Sierra Leone

Diaspora Affairs Director attends the continental workshop for Diaspora focal points of AUmember states in Cairo


The objectives of the continental workshop can be categorized into three interlinked components: firstly, it will provide a platform for senior policy makers and heads of Diaspora units and departments set up by the governments of AU member states to convene, interact and establish viable networks and build up strategic partnerships in the field of diaspora engagement. The workshop is aimed at strengthening the policymaking capabilities and practical operations of diaspora focal points engaged in diaspora and development related issues. (swagatgrocery)

Secondly, the workshop will present and share successful diaspora engagement models. A number of cases will be showcased, derived from experiences in Africa and beyond. The workshop will enable collective examination of the key ingredients that contribute to successful diaspora engagement; with particular regard to the identification of opportunities to connect key influencers within the diaspora with dynamic and well performing segments of local institutions, both private and public for homeland development.

Thirdly, the workshop will provide an opportunity for national –level policy makers and program practitioners to understand the ecosystem of migration and development policies and programs at the level of the RECs and the AU. By acquiring an overview of the different initiatives at the regional and continental levels, member state focal points will be better positioned to identify opportunities and gaps that enable a better harmonization and alignment of national engagement policies and programs with those at the regional and continental level. Such harmonization will serve to reduce duplication; strengthen synergies between national and continental policy actors and ultimately increase the impact of diaspora engagement policy and programming at all levels.

Meanwhile, ODA’s Director, Mr. Kallay Musa Conteh is expected back in Freetown on Friday 16th December to intensify preparations for the first Sierra Leone Diaspora Business Forum and the Annual Diaspora Home Coming Dinner that were scheduled for the 29th and 30th  December 2016 at the Bintumani International Conference Center and State House Garden respectively.

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