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Sierra Leone

On a homecoming trip: Chief Minister enjoys big welcome in Sahn-Malen chiefdom


AYV News, June 18, 2024


Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh has received in what could be described as a heavenly homecoming welcome in Sahn-Malen chiefdom, which is his home town in Pujehun district, Southern Sierra Leone.
People from the chiefdom thronged in their multitudes to receive Dr. David Sengeh, whiles other supporters, admirers and well-wishers from across the country, including government dignitaries and Sierra Leone People’s Party stalwarts were also present at the event.
Amidst the down pouring of torrential rains, there was a huge cultural reproduction and the atmosphere was boisterous with masquerade parades, intensive drumming, dancing and singing in the traditional Mende language.
In his thank you speech, Dr. David Sengeh was able to display humility and expressed gratitude and appreciation in his native Mende tongue for such a wonderful and tumultuous homecoming welcome.
The Chief Minister began by urging Sahn-Malen residents to be grateful to President Bio for giving them three substantive ministerial appointments, irrespective of the fact that the country boasts of 190 chiefdoms.
Dr. David Sengeh commended the SLPP executive in Pujehun district for winning all the contested political positions without allowing the main opposition All People’s Congress to win a single councilor seat in the entire district.
He urged government appointees to work in synergy with their deputies to bring development to the people by providing employment and extending many other opportunities such as scholarships to those in need.
Dr. Sengeh said Sahn-Malen was suffering from internet scarcity but however, noted that since the launching of STARLINK by President Bio, the entire chiefdom and the country at-large is currently benefitting from sufficient and reliable internet connectivity.
Dr. David Sengeh stated that investment by Socfin Agricultural Company is paying off because Sierra Leone is currently producing and exporting oil and has further eradicated the potential scarcity of the product in the market.
“When Covid-19 struck, many countries around the world were hit by commodity shortfalls, but due to the wise economic policies of the Bio led government there were no shortages of goods in Sierra Leone,” he noted.
Dr. David Sengeh assured the people that going forward there would be a drastic reduction of prices on essentials goods in the market and went on to state that President Bio has appointed a Sahn-Malen native to ensure that the ‘Feed Salone’ government flagship initiative has a positive national economic impact.
The Chief Minister underscored the fact that there are global economic challenges, but in Sierra Leone no one has died due to hunger and starvation.
He said even though the opposition is regularly threatening to unleash mayhem and make things difficult for the government, he pointed out that the economy has improved within the last 10 months.
“Government has stabilised the exchange rate, reduced inflation, provided employment, increased wages and has established the Wages and Service Commission,” he discloses.
The Chief Minister gave an assurance to the people of the district to finalise the construction of the main Pujehun road and the provision of electricity to the entire district.
Dr. David Sengeh appealed for unity and national cohesion because Sierra Leone is for every Sierra Leonean, and went on to recall the enormous reception accorded him in the opposition stronghold of Makeni, during his town hall engagement.
Dr. David Sengeh made an analogy to the stars in the sky which numbers in billions but they have not ceased to shine because of the brightness of the sun.
Chief Minister Dr. David Moinina Sengeh finally admonished the youths to eschew violence and utilize their energies in a positive way because power is not about violence, as according to the Chief Minister, problems are solved through cooperation and collaboration and not confrontation.

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