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Sierra Leone

“It’s no witch-hunting, but EDSA has to be reformed” – Dr. Yumkella recommends


AYV News, July 3, 2024

Chairman of the Special Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security in Sierra Leone, Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella has strongly recommended the urgent reformation of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA), if Sierra Leone is to achieve all its good and many plans.

Dr. Yumkella said: “We need to fix EDSA if we are to achieve all our good and many plans. EDSA should be able to pay investors when they generate electricity. That will encourage more investors to come in. EDSA board has to be comprised of professional and technical people. It is not witch-hunting, but EDSA has to be reformed and be more efficient and effective”.

He said energy is an investment issue and not a charity, adding that the investors have to see that projects are bankable and viable.

Speaking further on the energy sector, Dr. Yumkella informed that to change an energy system takes time and not political, adding that quick fixes are not solutions.

He said: “Five administrations have resorted to quick fixes, but we are still grappling with energy problems in the country. Since we had the last major crisis, we have had several offers for more boats to come, I say to them, we don’t need boats or ships to generate power for us, we want sustainable generational solutions.

“We want to build an energy infrastructure for the country. It is not about President Bio’s regime, it is about us; Sierra Leoneans. We want you to won it. We have just one transmission line, which is the 161kv that transmit power from Bumbuna to other areas in the country, we need to fix that, we need to improve on that. Fixing the energy system takes time, it cannot be political. To build these infrastructure takes time, but it is doable. It takes time, consistency and team work. And President Bio, with his vision has set the right team to the task”.

The Energy Chairman went on that some of these monies will go to the development of the country’s energy infrastructure, adding that at OPEC Investment Roundtable; “We took some of our energy projects, the Bumbuna expansion is our flagship project. Bumbuna is the cheapest and most affordable source of energy we have in Sierra Leone. Bumbuna is sold at 3 cent, whiles Karpower is at 25 cent. Currently, Bumbuna is programmed to produce 50 Megawatts of power, with the addition of two turbines, it will give us 100 Megawatts, and the addition of a floating solar to increase energy generation. This is what we presented at OPEC”.

He said Sierra Leone also presented another project of 50MW solar at Kamakwie and 50MW Solar at Bikongor and further looking at Dodo and Shinjimi Dams.

President Julius Maada Bio’s vision, he went on, is the Just Energy Transition Plan (JET-P) where he has target to generate over 1 gigawatts in the next ten years. He said President Bio might not finish it, but he is determined to set the foundation.

“The President and his team are determined to double the energy supply within the next three years. All this takes investment. All these monies (the $800 million pledges, the $480 million from MCC, the $412 million gas Power Plant and the commissioning of the state-of-the-art Lumley Children Hospital) show clear indications that, the international community and the world have enormous confidence in the government of President Bio and the people of Sierra Leone.

“We need to maintain the peace and stability we are enjoying now in order to encourage more investors to come into the country. President Bio is determined to deliver for his people, and he has assembled the right team to actualize that.” Dr. Yumkella stated.

On the Bumbuna 11 Project, Dr. Yumkella said the project is a sham, noting that how can a company hold on to that project for over 12 years with nothing to show for it and at the end of the day, request that, the government pay them $90 million for doing absolutely nothing. “Is that fair to a nation? No. We are ready to stand against such bad deals, and the government of Sierra Leone is ready to face the company to the international court of arbitration. Many professionals who have taken a look at that project have termed it as “bad”. We are ready to stand against any bad deal in this country”.


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