The court also ordered that the Sierra Leone Peoples party to re-run thirty nine constituencies under the gazetted rules and regulations which the party had used for the conduct of the then lower level elections, instead of the amended rules and regulation, which the then plaintiff appellant had prayed for on their originating summons, coupled with supplemental affidavits.
Furthermore, the gazette rules and regulations which the Sierra Leone People Party had used for the conduct of the then lower level elections, in which the then plaintiff appellant argued that they were okayed with elections held in seventy three constituencies, but that they were dissatisfied with elections held in thirty nine constituencies, which prompted then to resort to court action against the party.
In an interview with Head of Maheiteh Chambers at Malama Thomas street in the central part of the country’s capital Freetown, Anthony Y Brewah intimated that the die has been casted, and that over the weekend the party national election commission would meet with the purpose of putting in place concrete plans and strategies for the conduct of the elections, in thirty nine constituencies in various parts of the country.
He furthered that no sooner his party conducts elections in the thirty nine constituencies, as ordered by the court, his party would not waste time to conduct it national delegate conference.
Lawyer Brewah also maintained that Sierra Leone Peoples Party proposed meeting over weekend would address issues relating to the smooth running of the party, and selecting a date for conduct of elections in the said thirty nine constituencies across the country, after which the party would slate a date for it national delegate conference.