Explaining the PNB Process to them, Sylvanus Blake of the ACC told the audience that Kenema District has been one of the most reporting districts as thousands of people have made complaints of bribery allegations against the piloted MDAs. Worthy of note was also that over 200 people over the year plus implementation of the campaign called to say they met honest officers when they went to seek services from these MDAs. He stated that this was good as it has provided the ACC and its partners with information on where and how corruption and petty bribery thrives. He explained to the audience that the PNB is a diagnostic tool and its aim is to encourage the public to report and make reporting very easy and confidential.
Highlighting the gains of the PNB since its implementation, Mr. Blake stated that the gains have been unprecedented and if the current trend is maintained, it will be very difficult and unprofitable for public officers to get involved in corruption. Key among the gains and actions taken by the MDAs are; the banning of all Saturday classes in schools, regulation of all school charges to a uniformed figure across Kenema District, removal of all unapproved/unauthorized check points, CDIID strengthened and made more robust to handle police excesses, bail conditions made more public to discourage the payment of monies for bail, development of service delivery charters for the MDAs, complaint hot lines and desks have been established in the MDAs including customer care services to name but a few. He encouraged the public to be vigilant in ensuring that these gains and actions are not reversed by continuing to call the 515 free toe line and use of the PNB Application to report on situations in their localities
Sam P Gogra of the ACC earlier in stating the purpose of the meeting encouraged the public to partner with the ACC in the fight against corruption especially the PNB campaign which he said is the safest and easiest way to make complaints and assured the public of ACC’s commitment to ensuring these complaints are addressed. Mr. Emmanuel Aruna of NMJD trained the audience on how the make complaints via both the PNB application and the 515 free toe line which even provides for complaints to be made in local dialects like Mende and Temne.
The Honorable Paramount Chief of Small Bo, Chief Mohamed Dafie Benya the IV who referred to himself as a close follower of the PNB process expressed delight and admiration for the gains recorded over the short period, which he stated was a pointer that if we continue to call 515 and use the application to report, more will be achieved in the years to come. He admonished the ACC, the MDAs and community people present to ensure these gains are not reversed as many who used to benefit from these illegal and unhealthy activities are not happy and may be looking for an opportunity to reverse the trends.
Questions, comments and reactions from the audience with response from the ACC formed the close of the meeting.