Tuesday, October 22, 2024
27.2 C
Sierra Leone

ARISE IIP: An Economic Turnaround for Sierra Leone


ARISE IIP Cotton Supply Chain in Benin to be replicated in Sierra Leone

The ARISE Integrated Industrial Platforms (ARISE IIP) investment portfolio for Sierra Leone, specifically the development of the Industrial Zone and management of the Rail, has the potential to bring about a significant economic turnaround.

This, when converted into monetary terms, would amount to billions of dollars. How do I know this? Just be patient and let your mind, not your eyes, do the processing.

One of the key advantages of the Sierra Leone Industrial Zone is the creation of at least 30,000 formal job opportunities for the local population. This will help reduce the massive unemployment rates in the country, thus leading to improved income levels, increased consumer spending, and overall economic well-being.

The establishment of the SIZ will also attract substantial foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. The monetary value associated with FDI can be estimated by considering the amount of investment and its impact on various economic indicators such as GDP, balance of trade, tax revenues, and productivity gains. These investments can contribute significantly to economic growth and development.

The SIZ is also anticipated to significantly boost export promotion, which would generate foreign exchange for the country. The value of increased exports can be estimated by considering the volume and value of exported goods, import substitution effects, and potential multiplier effects on related industries and services.

Therefore, with about 40 different manufacturing factories to be established in the SIZ, it is clear that the monetary value that will be added to the economy will amount to billions of dollars.

ARISE IIP has demonstrated remarkable expansion across over a dozen African countries, consistently catalyzing industrial growth and job creation. In Gabon, for example, the company’s management of the Gabon Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) has resulted in the creation of 16,000 jobs, attracted 120 investors, and transformed Gabon into the world’s second-largest veneer producer and exporter, and the first in Africa.

ARISE IIP’s primary focus remains the establishment of industrial ecosystems dedicated to generating significant local added value alongside sustainable growth. Their presence extends to Benin (GDIZ), Togo (PIA), Gabon (GSEZ), Côte d’Ivoire (ZIC), and more, where they are actively working to assist countries in transitioning to industrial economies while minimising carbon emissions and climate impact.

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