Friday, October 18, 2024
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Sierra Leone

At 5th Anniversary: More international commendations for Hands Off Our Girls Campaign


The security sector, comprising the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), the Sierra Leone Police (SLP), the Correctional Services, and others, have showered praise upon the Fifth Anniversary Commemoration March of the “Hands Off Our Girls” campaign, which occurred on 28th December, 2023.

The event, commemorating this significant milestone, witnessed representatives from various state security institutions, spearheaded by the First Lady, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio.

Acknowledging the noteworthy efforts of Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, the forces lauded her for pioneering a praiseworthy venture aimed at ensuring the dignity and respect of girls in society. The ground-breaking campaign stands as the first-ever idea conceived by a Sierra Leonean to ensure that girls have unfettered access to education and contribute meaningfully to society without the pressure of being forced into marriage or the horrific acts of child sexual exploitation at a national level.

The symbolic marching event held during the commemoration served as a tangible expression of gratitude from Sierra Leoneans and military personnel towards the Presidency of the Republic, headed by His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, for consistently empowering the First Lady to lead such a triumphant campaign.

Speaking on behalf of the security personnel, the wife of the Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police Force, Mrs. Matilda Doris Sellu, commended Her Excellency for her consistent efforts in creating an enabling environment for the nation’s children, emphasizing her commitment to eradicating sexual violence, rape, child abuse, and the exploitation of girls.

Described as a true blessing to the nation’s advancement, the first lady is recognised as a force to be reckoned with.

The resounding success of the “Hands Off Our Girls” campaign has gained substantial momentum, resulting in a noticeable decline in cases of abuse against girls, thereby safeguarding their dignity and pride.

The security forces passionately call on all Sierra Leoneans to unite in support of the first lady for the continued success and impact of this positive campaign, one that unequivocally fosters progress and prosperity for the nation.

In another development, First Lady, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio extended the Joy of the New Year to patients facing healthcare challenges at Connaught Hospital in Freetown.

Radiant smiles illuminated the hospital rooms as both children and adults received joy-filled gift packs, a reminder that the festive spirit transcends the confines of hospital walls.

Representing the first lady, her dedicated staff distributed vibrant gift packs, providing a welcome respite and a sprinkle of Christmas enchantment to those unable to celebrate at home. The genuine gesture elicited smiles and heartfelt gratitude from patients and hospital staff alike, underscoring the profound impact of empathy and compassion, especially during the holiday season.

This act of kindness seamlessly aligns with the First Lady’s unwavering commitment to supporting vulnerable communities and enhancing well-being throughout Sierra Leone. The visit to Connaught Hospital exemplifies her dedication to spreading joy and fostering a sense of community even in the midst of illness, reinforcing the notion that compassion knows no boundaries, especially during the festive season.


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