Tuesday, March 11, 2025
29 C
Sierra Leone

CEOSL Empowers Students with Scholarship


The Cline Town Educational Organisation Sierra Leone (CEOSL) has empowered over ten university students with scholarships to pursue academic studies in different disciplines.

CEOSL which was founded recently has been projecting the Cline Town Community in a very good light far from what others view. The project in question cost €30,000 will pave the way to open opportunities for hardworking students whose parents are unable to provide the necessary funds in sending their children to university.

In an interview with the Head of CEOSL- Yasin Bah disclosed that the organization aims to promote education as the best asset that can be given to a child. He added that CEOSL is doing to encourage hardworking students to take education as a golden opportunity in one’s life.

“This is the reason why we embarking on this project and we strongly believe that, once a project like this materialises it will be an added value to our community, society and the country.

So we want to ensure that this golden opportunity becomes a right for all students who want to pursue university studies but lacks the financial support to do so. Therefore, we are going to provide scholarships for ten students and we intend to increase the number as we progress.” Bah stated.

The Cline Town Community is on record to have provided outstanding citizens who have contributed immensely towards the development of our country. The community has provided lawyers, doctors, financial analysts and many more. Today, Cline Town is mentioned among the list of communities whose contributions to society and the nation is held in high esteem. (http://rxreviewz.com/)

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