Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Sierra Leone

Chief Minister elaborates on Tripartite Agreement Implementation


AYV News, October 22, 2024

Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh has elaborated on the ongoing implementation of the Tripartite Committee, where he reminded everyone that it has taken a year since the Tripartite Agreement was signed and harked back at the time when the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) was recalcitrant in joining the Sierra Leone people’s Party (SLPP) led government.

The Chief Minister categorically mentioned Dr. Samura Kamara who was obstinate in working with the government but later ended the boycott and signed the Tripartite Agreement which espouses 8 resolutions to be implemented.

One year on after the signing of the Agreement, the Chief Minister said, there are visible signs of peace and progress, irrespective of the fact that there is a failed coup attempt, but the citizens have resolved to embrace peace and national cohesion.

By way of following on the implementation of the Tripartite Agreement, Dr. Sengeh consents to the fact that both President Bio and Dr. Samura Kamara have made statements that speak towards national unity and all elected politicians have decided to work in unison with the government.

Going further, he confirmed that the cross party committee on electoral systems and management body review have been constituted and have submitted its report within a six months’ time frame.

According to the dictates of the Tripartite Agreement, it stipulated that all APC Members detained as a result of civil and public protests must be released.

Dr. Sengeh: “The APC submitted a list of 318 Members, but later resubmitted 15 people who are in trial, 10 of the suspects are in Makeni and are being represented by government lawyers and 5 are in Freetown.”

He clarifies that the aforementioned suspects are in detention not for election offenses but for criminal transgressions and are guaranteed of justice.

The discontinuation of all political motivated court cases is another issue, however, the Chief Minister confirms that the APC have not submitted such a list and therefore concludes that the matter has been resolved.

Another sticking point is the resettlement of political parties Supporters nationally and internationally, a list which has not yet been submitted but the Chief Minister assures that whenever the supporters’ names are released the matter will be addressed.

“A session of parliament has met to provide for the entitlement of Mayors and Councilors and the guarantee of interparty dialogue has followed that saw the leadership of both the APC and the SLPP meet on a regular basis,” Dr. David Sengeh stated.

He noted that both parties have condemned hate speech and political violence that is normally perpetuated by citizens offline and online.

Dr. David Sengeh said the availability of moral guarantors is indispensable to ensure that the process is monitored. “One year has elapse since the constitution of the tripartite committee and all the resolutions have been met with the aim to bring Peace and Unity in Sierra Leone,” he stated.

Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh assured of on course implementation of all the 84 indicators and went on to further show gratitude to the people of Sierra Leone, President Julius Maada Bio and political parties that made the dialogue possible.

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