Sunday, March 16, 2025
21.5 C
Sierra Leone

Health Ministry to Celebrate World Breast Feeding Week


The main objective of the celebration is to inform people about the linkage between good nutrition, food security, poverty reduction and breastfeeding, to secure breastfeeding as the foundation of life, engage with individuals and organizations for greater impact and finally to mobilize/galvanize  action to advance breastfeeding as a part of good nutrition, food security and poverty reduction

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, babyThe event is organized every year by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), a global network that aims to Protect, Promote and Support breastfeeding around the world.

In addition, the  World Health Organization and UNICEF have  became key partners in ensuring that they get aid to the right people in the right communities  to promote, protect and support breast feeding around the world, including Sierra Leone .

Nutrition Officer, Amjatu Khazale at UNICEF Sierra Leone pointed out lack of support on the side of the husband or family members and busy working schedules, alongside the many other challenges that women face can undermine exclusive breastfeeding, thereby preventing the child from valuable childhood nutrients that would otherwise keep the child healthy, and strong against any childhood diseases.

Mrs. Khazale advised against the use of supplementary baby foods, adding that lactating mothers should exclusively breastfeed their children from birth until they reach six months of age. Even water is not acceptable”, She added.

She called on the media at a special meeting held for  radio station managers, District  Social Mobilization Officers, district  Focal Points of Health For All Coalition  at the UNICEF Conference Hall on Saturday July 21st to all times support and promote exclusive breast feeding and good nutrition in the country (Sierra Leone), as these for the bases for not only child survival, but human survival as well.

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