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Sierra Leone

Hon. Yumkella hosts SLPP-NGC Alliance in Samu chiefdom


AYV News May 25, 2023

The leader of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) Party, Hon. Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella has hosted the SLPP-NGC Strategic Progressive Alliance team, led by His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, in Samu chiefdom, Kambia district.

Dr. Yumkella said he decided to wait on President Bio to come back to his people for him to give the appropriate answer to President Bio who called upon him over a year ago through the Samu Chiefs to join the Bio administration for the development of the country.

Hon Yumkella said “YES” to the President and recommitted himself and the NGC party to the Strategic Progressive Alliance agreement.

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio thanked Dr. Yumkella and the people of Samu chiefdom and Kambia by extension for their support to re-elect him on June 24 to continue to work for the people.

The President asked all SLPP members and supporters in Kambia district to vote for the NGC in the Parliamentary elections and the SLPP’s President ticket with him, President Julius Maada Bio and Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh.

The Progressive Alliance between the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the National Grand Coalition (NGC) Party was officially launched on 23rd April, 2023 at Bintumani Conference Hall in Freetown.

National Secretary General of the NGC Party, Alhaji Amadu M. Sheriff said: “The two political parties agreed to build a ‘Progressive Alliance’ to advance transformative development and strengthen national cohesion.

“We agreed on the need to build a progressive alliance to advance transformative development and strengthen national cohesion. Together, we will move Sierra Leone towards the Right Direction for our current and future generations.”

Few months ago, when President Bio publicly extended to Hon. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella an olive branch to return to SLPP and join forces with him to build Sierra Leone, the president’s action was viewed by some political analysts as a demonstration of brotherhood and national unity.

Dr. Yumkella believed President Bio’s assessment of the type of leadership and political cohesion that Sierra Leone needs to transform the lives of its people and their communities.

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