The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) has received its Certificate of Reaccreditation as a “Grade A” national human rights institution by the United Nations through its autonomous global body known as Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).
GANHRI is the international statutory UN body charged with the responsibility to assess National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in respect to compliance with the UN Paris Principles, the global legal instrument that sets out the establishment and operationalisation of NHRIs.
The following pillars are the key criteria considered in assessing an NHRI for Accreditation/Reaccreditation by GANHRI in accordance with the Paris Principles: independence (non-interference), pluralism, broad mandate and broad functions, effectiveness of work, adequate funding by government, international cooperation, among others.
The certificate of Reaccreditation was presented at GANHRI’s Annual General Assembly in Geneva on 15th March, 2023 and was received by the Chair and Vice Chairpersons of the Commission, Patricia Narsu Ndanema and Victor Idrissa Lansana Esq, respectively.
The Commission uses this opportunity to thank government for its financial support towards its operations and for its non-interference in compliance with the Paris Principles, and to also graciously thank its other major partners including the Embassy of Ireland, the UNDP, OSIWA, DHRCs, MDAs, CSOs and traditional leaders, to name a few.
The Commission hereby assures everyone that it will jealously continue to protect its independence and will ensure the human rights of all persons especially vulnerable compatriots are protected and protected at all times.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Art.1 of UDHR).