Men of God in contemporary time, particularly in the 21st Century churches lay hands a lot on their members for various problems and ailments. The members, some of whom fall under what is called the “Anointing of God,” believe by faith that they have been healed or delivered. A good number of churches now organize deliverance services in which believers are delivered from the powers of darkness. Often times you hear glorious testimonies in churches by members who have been delivered or rescued from the powers of darkness or enemies.
Rather paradoxically however, we are yet to hear of one man of God that has laid hands on one Ebola patient nor have we heard of any divine testimony from an Ebola patient who the anointed hands of a man of God has healed through the power of God all mighty.
As the Ebola disease clearly becomes a serious issue beyond human comprehension and as our human efforts to ensure that it is contained appear to be counterproductive, there is need for divine intervention and we therefore implore our great men of God who have been laying hands on the sick to venture up Kailahun, Kenema and other Ebola affected areas and wage spiritual war against this demon of a virus called Ebola.
Well, some men of God will tell you the spirit of God has to speak to them before they take such a venture. We pray that one after the other our good God will speak to our men of God to launch out so that we will be delivered from this demonic virus that has devoured us as a nation.
We rely on our men of God to intervene at this perilous time as we believe in divine intervention. Don’t limit your prayers and miracles that follow within the confines of your synagogues as the hand of God is not too short that he cannot touch nor his ears too deaf that he cannot hear.
We expect a miracle, we want to behold miracles in this time of crisis and therefore rely on God all Mighty through our many, many anointed men of God scattered all over the country.
Lay hands on Ebola patients, oh ye men of God.