Tuesday, October 22, 2024
27.2 C
Sierra Leone

MPs Female Caucus Holds 2-Day Dialogue on Affirmative Action Bill Department of Public Relations, Parliament of Sierra Leone



He recalled how the last Parliament fought to ensure that the objectives of the Female Caucus were achieved, but to no avail. He also noted that the current Government of President Bio has special regards for women, assuring that Parliament would cooperate with them to overcome the challenges that are affecting women’s empowerment.

On her part, the President of the Parliamentary Female Caucus, Hon. Veronica Kadie Sesay applauded the Clerk and the Leadership of Parliament and International Partners for supporting the Female Caucus in their efforts and strides to promote women’s issues in the country. She used the platform to call on colleague female MPs to put aside political party affiliations and give priority to issues concerning the welfare and development of women and children in Sierra Leone. (Alprazolam)

According to Hon. Veronica Kadie Sesay the affirmative action Bill would provide the road map on how they as a caucus would champion issues affecting women and children in the country.

Speaking at the workshop, Madam Mary Akumu, a Representative from the United Nations heaped enormous praises on the Female Caucus for championing women’s issues in the country, whilst acknowledging the need for the 30% quota relating to women’s participation in politics. She also spoke on the importance of the Sexual Offences Act relative to the objectives set in the SDGs for the development of the country.

Representing the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sahr E. Juana averred that “in dealing with women’s issues, it is high time we moved from preparation to actualization”. He also commended the Female Caucus and admonished them to work assiduously and collaboratively to achieve their aims and objectives. On behalf of the Leadership of Parliament, Hon. Juana promised their fullest support to the women in order to achieve the 30% quota for women’s empowerment and advancement in the country. The two days dialogue workshop was supported by the Parliament of Sierra Leone in collaboration with United Nations Peace Building, United Nations for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and the United Nations Development Programme.

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