Monday, March 17, 2025
20.5 C
Sierra Leone

NCRA now at Milton Margai University doorsteps


The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) has extended its services to the Milton Margai Technical University (MMTU) and by extension the Goderich community and its environs.

The facilities will be extended to the three campuses of the MMTU for NLe145,000 plus NLe25,000 corporate charge totaling NLe170,000 for which all were urged to make good use of the opportunity as other institutions are demanding it.

At the commissioning ceremony held at the Great Hall of the Goderich campus in Freetown, the Vice Chancellor and Principal of MMTU, Dr. Philip John Kanu revealed that it is fitting to celebrate good people like the Director-General of the NCRA, Mohamed Massaquoi for transforming the Authority to an enviable status worthy of emulation to the point that it has become a role model not only in the sub-region but Africa as a whole.

He observed that for lecturers and students to leave the campus and queue for hours to get their identity cards is herculean but that with the NCRA now at their doorsteps it is not only a novelty and a step in the right direction but a laudable initiative and furthered that the students are the country’s future reiterating that the national identity card is mandatory to all citizens and non-citizens alike to access various services and be counted for development purposes.

The Director General of NCRA, Mohamed Massaquoi commended the Vice Chancellor and Principal of MMTU, Dr. Philip John Kanu and administration for prevailing on the NCRA to move its facilities to the three campuses of the MMTU for lecturers and students to get their national identity cards that are of high quality that would enable them to travel to any West Africa country and access other services, observed that multiple names causes confusion and fraud, informed that the Authority produces three types of identity cards: National, ECOWAS, Non-citizens that are all affordable to access different services and that the National Identification Numbers (NIN) on the cards that are not duplicated are linked to the cards.

He continued that the NCRA would take the facilities to the doorsteps of the people at no extra cost the reason they have responded to the call of MMTU and appealed to all to register their births and deaths to the Authority and that they would extend the service to chiefdoms and reiterated the need for lecturers and students to make use of the facility for Sierra Leone to attend the United Nations Identity for All by 2030.

Earlier, introducing the Director General of NCRA, Mr. Emmanuel Sam Kparka revealed that Mr. Mohamed Massaquoi has twenty years professional experience including working for the United Nations, has served as Ambassador of Identity in Africa for seven years and informed that identity data management has increased from 50%-90% in Sierra Leone since his appointment.

The Headman of Goderich village, Pastor Claudius Freeman made a similar statement while the President of the Students Union rendered the vote of thanks.

Highlight of the event was the commencement of the process.

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