Thursday, March 13, 2025
34.7 C
Sierra Leone

Anti-Corruption Commission

World Bank Team pays courtesy visit on ACC

The leadership of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has received a two-man delegation from the World Bank Country Mission Team working on the Productive Social...

Ombudsman pays courtesy call on ACC

The Ombudsman of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah, together with his team, has paid a courtesy visit to the Anti-Corruption Commission...

ACC engages Congo Cross Police Division

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has, as part of its outreach meetings across the country, engaged and shared vital integrity messages with officers of the...

ACC engages 34 Military Hospital on corruption risks

"It is important to identify corruption risks and issues in order to detect and strengthen institutional strategies aimed at preventing corrupt conduct." This is...

ACC Ben Kaifala thrills Law School students

The Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission Sierra Leone, (ACC-SL) Francis Ben Kaifala thrilled students of the Sierra Leone Law School, Jomo Kenyatta Road, Freetown...

“Hon. Paran Tarawally did not recruit his wife…” – Investigations show

The Global Times newspaper has reported that a senior member of the Parliamentary Commission informed the media house that allegations that the Clerk of...

Alleged Corruption: 7 Government Officials investigated on Corruption Allegations

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is currently investigating seven Sierra Leoneans including Jacob Tenga Sessie - Deputy Director of Budget in the Ministry of Finance,...

Western Rural Social Safety beneficiaries commend ACC

Beneficiaries of the Productive Social Safety and Youth Employment (PSSYNE) project in Waterloo, Western Rural District, have commended the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for its...